HANDY PLUMBER another Etienne

drawing from the

"Masculine View-

point Series" offered by Kris Studios.


Projectors. These list for $39.95, but will be a Just as we were going to press we were able to make arrangements to obtain for sale Brumb er ger 8mm Movie

available for only $35. when you purchase any AMG 8mm film. (If you wish you may send a small deposit and have the projector put aside for you, and send the remainder at convenience.) Having physique films in the privacy of your own home will open a new dimension in living for you. What an ideal way to entertain your friends who appreciate physical culture. In addition to the interesting variety of films being offered by AMG, you can obtain excellent selections from Spectrum films, Apollo International, and Russ Warner, all with physique themes.


On your left, a scene from AMG's forthcoming physique movie "The Bathroom Athlete" At this printing this film has not been released, length and prices have not been set, but it will be available early in 1959. Joe Leitel plays the role of a conceited athlete who is in ecstacy as he displays his fine physique in the bathroom mirror. Unbeknowns to Joe, his juvenile delinquent younger brother and pal are hiding behind a screen, splitting their sides with laughter. Earlier, they have put some itching powder in his gym shorts and when they observe his discomfiture, they are so torn up with glee that the younger brother gets careless and knocks against the screen betraying their presence, Joe is furious when he is apprised of the situation, soundly spanks both boys as they so richly deserve and sprinkles itching powder on the both of them. If you wish to purchase this film in advance of its regular release date, send $12

for the 16mm or $8 for the 8mm, and a copy will be sent you as soon as prints are received from the laboratory. (Plan on a possible short wait). There will be two pages of catalogs in AA13 illustrating stills from Bathroom Athlete. Price will be 30 cents--regular release date about March 59 but if enough advance orders are received, the cata logs will be prepared in advance of that time.

Other actors in Bathroom Athlete are George Pagart and Charles Butler. Charles Butler has the title role in the AMG film "THE WITCH BOY" scheduled for release early in 1959.

On your right a scene from AMG's "THE RELUCTANT MODEL" featuring Jim Wilson as the photographer and Eddie Stevens as the model. After experiencing difficulty in getting Eddie a young sailor to pose, Jimmy leaves him briefly to get a dumbell to use as a prop and when he comes back finds Eddie has opened his movie camera in curiosity and ruined all the footage they have shot. He gets so upset about this that he tries to wrap the film around Eddie's neck, but Eddie gets the best of him and pulls his britches down so that he cannot chase after him and stands back and ridicules him.

The cost of the film is $11 in the 16mm size, $7.50 in the 8mm size. Black and white, silent. Other AMG films available include Street Fight $12, and $8.; Cowboy & The Sailor $12, and $8.; Brother Cinder-Elmer $11 and $7.50; Cowboys and Indians $11 and $7.50 and other films listed in this book. If you do not own a projector, did you known you can rent one inexpensively? Ask your camera store.) (Or you can obtain a $5.95 Melton 8mm vieweer from Spectrum Films) Physique movies bring the models to life. They will be a hit at any gathering of people who appreciate physical culture.

Black and white stills from the film RELUCTANT MODEL are illustrated in two catalogs of XQ13: 30 cents. You can rent the entire all-dual XQ13 catalog for 50c plus postage. (Send $5 deposit).


x5 prints $3. 1 8x10 print

4 available about Dec 1